Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Please sign in

It has been so long since I have posted that I had to re-log in. We have had a great month here at the Adams' household. Jasper took some steps on his own on Father's Day. We count them as steps but all he does is take a couple and fall into our arms but they count to us! We have gotten his a toy to push now and he goes 90 mph around the house. Yesterday, Jasper's topleft tooth broke through and the right one should be here in a couple of days!

We tried to see if Jasper would sleep in the bed with just Jeremy last night but since he is teething, he nurses a lot at night because of the pain and it did not happen. We decided that after the right tooth pops throught we are putting him in his crib. I am kind of excited and kind of sad at the same time. I LOVE my little cuddle bug but it will be nice to have my big cuddle bug back. This is our first move so that hopefully we will be able to go to Mexico in November. Jeremy's new job has a vacation incintive and if Jeremy makes a certain qouta, we will get a free trip to Mexico!

Sunday, June 6, 2010


Today Jasper waved bye to my cousin's Molly and Mindy. It was so funny becausee were going to bed and I wasn't even watching him. As we walked off, they waved bye to him and he waved back. I was so excited and I wanted to make sure it was not a fluke too, so I went back again. He did it agan! Yay!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


I can not believe it has almost been a month since I have posted. A LOT has happened over the past month. Jasper now has two bottom teeth, will take a couple of steps around the couch if you bribe him, and started saying DADA the other day! It is crazy how fast things change. Jasper is sleeping on my lap so no new pictures yet but I will update soon.

Jeremy's new job is going great! I am so proud of him and he has been working so hard. Last week, the only person who sold more units than him was his boss and only by 15 units!

Right now, we are battling an ear infection and a little bit of RSV again. He has gotten me sick so the past week has not been fun. I got his pictures made and we got those back this week. They turned out so well! Send me a comment and I will give you the password to look at them.