I love reality TV. 19 Kids and Counting is just one that I follow. I was watching it last night and Michelle (the mom) said something that I could relate to. She was talking with the Dr about Josie. Josie was born at 25 weeks and is in the NICU. The Dr said she was below the curve on her weight and that they were supplementing Michelle's breastmilk with formula. Michelle commented that her breastmilk was like skim milk and that she had small babies until they started eating solids. I am the same way. After Jasper was born it took him about a month to gain back his birth weight. My Ped was not worried but everything I kept reading said he should have gained it back in 2 weeks. My husband and his family were worried but no one in my family ever worried because the babies on my side of the family were small like Jasper. I am glad that I trusted my instinct and did not worry about what the numbers were. Jasper was and is a happy baby and never seemed like he needed any thing more than what I was providing. Jasper is not a fat baby and my ped says she prefers it that way. I am so glad I am able to use someone that I already trusted so much to be Jasper's Dr. Jasper may not be in the upper percentiles in weight and height but to me he is just perfect.
We started cereal at 4 months which was earlier than I was planning but he was reaching for food and even though we were told to start it earlier he never wanted it until about 4 months. Now he eats like a champ and I can not wait to start 2 feedings after he turns 6 months! We have also found out that he does not like prunes. He eats a couple of bites and begins to spit it out and cry. It is so pitiful.
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