Monday, February 9, 2009


I still cannot believe that Jeremy and I are having a baby!! I do not think it has completely hit me yet. I think it will really hit me on Friday when we go to the doctor. I have not had any morning sickness and I am feeling pretty well besides being tired. I will eventually figure out how to put pictures up and will be able to keep up visually too! I also found out today that my old roommate is also expecting and is due after me so I have a pregnant buddy now! Jeremy is sleeping right now while I am watching The Bachelor. He has been such a good husband! He went and got me dinner tonight! Yum, Zaxbys!!


  1. Josh and I are so excited for the two of you! I realized on our way home Sunday that I didn't get to give Jeremy a "post-finding out" hug. I almost made Josh turn around. We love you both and are just thrilled for you! God has an amazing plan set out for y'all, and your baby is sure to have the best parents in the world! Love you, Jessy

  2. Okay I had no idea! I'm so excited for yall!
